The ANSERS Institute provides an environment for innovation and change in special education through exemplary teaching, creative research and community outreach. The ANSERS Institute works in conjunction with the TCU laboratory schools, Starpoint and KinderFrogs, to create and coordinate professional development opportunities for local teachers, informational sessions for parents and learning experiences for students interested in becoming special education teachers.
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The ANSERS Institute provides an environment for innovation and change in special education through exemplary teaching, creative research and community outreach. The ANSERS Institute works in conjunction with the TCU laboratory schools, Starpoint and KinderFrogs, to create and coordinate professional development opportunities for local teachers, informational sessions for parents and learning experiences for students interested in becoming special education teachers.
Alice Neely Special Education Research and Service (ANSERS) Institute has no upcoming events
Wed, Dec 4, 2019 5 pm to 6:30 pm
Brown-Lupton University Union - BLUU, Miller Conference Room, 3rd Floor
No recent activity