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The status of students’ mental health is a growing concern for universities across the nation. From the National Collegiate Health Assessment, three of the top five impediments to academic performance as reported by TCU students are stress, anxiety, and depression. Faculty play a key role in recognizing the warning signs of mental health and facilitating referrals.

Meditation, mindfulness, breathwork, and other contemplative practices have been shown to help mitigate these negative mental health states. These two workshops will introduce participants to simple, secular contemplative practices that attendees can use to promote their own sense of wellbeing but also deploy in the classroom to help students who are struggling to feel calm and connected amidst the many challenges of college life, which have become heightened because of the pandemic.

The workshops are being hosted by leaders from the CALM meditation group (Compassionate Awareness and Living Mindfully), which teaches meditation, mindfulness, and other contemplative practices to promote its four pillars: belonging, wisdom, compassion, and flourishing.

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